by Terry Gaskill
Tampico Christmas in the Country Committee held the annual Tree Lighting and Royalty Ceremony on Saturday evening, December 2nd. The festivities began with breaking of a pinata, followed by selection of a new group of Royalty chosen from the Tampico Elementary School. The past year's Royalty drew the new group's names from the jars containing their entry forms. The children had to be in attendance to win. Winners were: Queen-Kassi Henrekin; King-Jimmy Biba; Princess-Summer McLoughlin; Prince-Danny Biba. Following the lighting of the Town Christmas Tree donated by John & Linda Taets, the Royalty were treated to a Fire Truck ride with Santa to the Community Building where everyone enjoyed treats and a visit with Santa. One little girl (Summer McLoughlin) sat on Santa's lap and said "Santa you never get any gifts for Christmas and I want to give you a gift." She gave him a little round smiling face shaped like a ball. Santa said, "I have never received a gift" and was very pleased.
The Christmas Committee, along with the Village of Tampico, once again is sponsoring their annual House Lighting contest in Tampico. Three homes will be presented with a plaque and monetary prizes. Everyone in the community is eligible except the 2005 winners, who are the judges. We encourage you to take a drive to and thru Tampico to see the many beautifully lit homes and then to continue on to the Johnson Farm, located at 1720 Matznick Rd., Southwest of Tampico, to see their annual drive thru display.
 [Pictured L-R: Queen, Kassi Henrekin: Princess, Summer McLoughlin: Santa: King, Jimmy Biba: Prince, Danny Biba.]