Tampico Historic Preservation Advisory Committee
Newsletter & Architectural Inventory
Dear Resident
In December 1996 the Tampico Village board passed an ordnance creating the Tampico Historic Preservation Advisory Committee and appointed Dorothy Carlson, Tom Garland, Lloyd McElhiney, Greg Sandrock and Evalyn Staelene as charter members to the Committee. In 2007, David Beech,Angela Beech and Denise McLoughlin have been. nominated to the Committee with Mark Newman and Mary Batten as pending Members subject to appointment by the Village Council.
Tampico has distinctive features in architecture, craftsmanship, landscape design, social and economic history that deserve protection, preserving, and perpetuating by property owners. It is the purpose of the Historic preservaflon Advisory Committee to formulate guidelines and controls that will seek to preserve these unique features without inhibiting or constraining progress or improvement.
You may be aware that you live in a historical village the main street of which has been designated a National Historic District due to its architecture and also the fact that President Ronald Reagan was born here. There is however a lot more history to the village and through working with the Historical Society, we are trying to put together an inventory of the village to include maps, old photographs and information about the houses in Tampico. We would appreciate your help in the matter by providing as much information as you know about your house on the attached survey. In return the Historical Society and Advisory Committee will try to make available as much information about the history of your house at the Historic Society building.
The Historic Preservation Advisory Committee holds their meetings usually on the second Wednesday of every month at 7.OOpm at the Tampico Area Historical Society Building at 119 S Main St. to which anybody is invited to attend.
If you wish to seek advice on exterior improvements whilst maintaining the original style of your house, or are interested in whether your house can be placed on the National Historic Register we will try to assist with these matters.
We are also interested in finding the owners of several empty properties both in the Historic District (Main Street) and throughout the town in order to consider them for preservation from decay.
By capitalizing on the community’s historic assets and attributes we hope to improve the village for the benefit of all.
Towards these ends, the Advisory Committee is conducting a survey (over the page) of all the houses in Tampico
Please fill in as much information as possible. There is room at the bottom to put additional comments, then please return this survey form to the Village Hall in an envelope marked THPAC or mail to THPAC, PD Box 154, Tampico, IL. 61283. Upon receipt we will send a photographer to take a current picture of the front of your house for the inventory.
Thank You.
House Inventory form (pdf)