October 18, 1934
Regular meetings of the American Legion and Axillary were held last Thursday night with almost 40 present. the Axillary members conducted a regular meeting during which plans were made for a Halloween party to which the members and their families are invited. Mrs. Edwin TEMPLE and Mrs. Guy ELMENDORF were appointed a committee to have charge of the games for the adults and Edyth TEMPLE and Helen ELMENDORF for the children. The ladies also made plans to send jelly to the disabled Veterans at the North Shore hospital. Contributions for this worthy project should be sent to Mrs. Harry RICE. The jelly will be sent to the hospital just before Thanksgiving. It was voted to send $6.00 to the cigarette fund. The Treasurer's report was then given and other business discussed. Mrs. M. E. HOWLAND, acting sergeant at arms, conducted Mrs. H. J. KOLB to the past-president's chair where Mrs. Edwin TEMPLE, in behalf of the ladies, presented Mrs. KOLB with a beautiful compact as a token of appreciation for her services as president of the Unit for the past three years. Mrs. KOLB responded.
The Legionnaires also held a business meeting and several matters were taken care of. Edwin TEMPLE and Boline OLSON were appointed members of the Boy Scout Troop committee.. Myron HOWLAND, Harry RICE and Wayne WESCOTT were appointed to assist with the Halloween party. Armistice Day plans were also discussed.
Following the meetings, the members and their families enjoyed a picnic lunch with Reverend and Mrs. MAXWELL and sons Donald and Gerald as honored guests. Commander George THOMAS and Mrs. KOLB expressed the regrets of both organizations of having this family .leave and wished them every happiness in their new home. Rev. and Mrs. MAXWELL responded and extended an invitation to members to visit them at Seneca, their new charge. Rev. MAXWELL served as Chaplin of the local Post during his residence here.
After the lunch, a social hour was enjoyed.
October 18, 1934
A large number of members and friends of the Methodist church attended a farewell party given t the church Thursday in honor of Rev. and Mrs. MAXWELL and family who will soon move to Seneca, where Rev. MAXWELL will be the pastor of the Methodist church.
A picnic supper was served at seven o'clock, after which N. E. Denison, acting as toastmaster, called on several present representing the numerous organizations in the church, who responded with short talks of regret that the MAXWELLS were leaving and wishing them every happiness and success in their new home. Those who spoke were Mrs. .L. P. LOUDENBERG, representing the Junior church; E. W. MEREDITH, the Sunday school; Mrs. Ed BERGE, the K. Y. B. class; Miss Dorothy CAIN, president, and Mrs. L. E. CHAPIN, teacher of the active Booster class; Mrs. Mary FUTHEY, Ladies' Aid; Mrs. H. M. HIGLEY, the Harmony club; Mrs. N. E. DENISON, the orchestra; and Mrs. R. F. WOODS, the choir.
Mrs. MAXWELL was presented several lovely gifts from the Ladies' Aid, the Harmony club, the Active Booster class and the J. O. Y. class.
Both Rev. and Mrs. MAXWELL responded, expressing their regret at leaving and thanking everyone for their good wishes.