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Articles & Local History > 1898 Tornado Articles

Transcribed by Melva Taylor

The following are some extractions from the 1898 Tampico Tornado as they pertain to Ms. Taylor's ancestors.

Note: I have highlighted the names in the hopes of making it easier to find names of interest. The scanning process used to post this information may have caused some letters to be omitted or they may have been "read" incorrectly. I have tried to skim through to find any errors

TAMIPICO TORNADO - Tampico, Whiteside County Illinois
Some Extractions for the Year: 1898

Feb 19     - Yorktown: Mr/Mrs Ed Markle's little child was buried in the Yorktown cemetery
                last Thursday.
           - Miss Nellie Bunker reported to be worse this morning.
           - M R Thackaberry. . .

Mar 5      - Yorktown: Mr/Mrs A 0 Hunter visited Ray McKenzie
           - There was a Temperance Endeavor Social at J J Winchell's last Friday, about 50
                Endeavors gathered and enjoyed a pleasant evening.
           - Mrs W W Lane was called to her home in Pullman by the illness of Mr. Lane's mother
                who makes her home with them.
Mar 12     - L L Griffin has invested in another lot. His last purchase joins his residence property
                on the south.
           - Mrs H H Dow and daughter, Miss Mary Lane, arrived in Tampico, Monday, March
                7th on the 11:05 train, direct from Mississippi, on account of the illness of Mrs.
                Eleary C Brown, her sister.
           - Will Winchell of Galesburg, slipped off the passenger train here Wednesday evening.
                He went down in the country to visit with his parents.
Mar 19     - Earl Smith who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks is improving.
           - L L Griffin and wife, took train here for Garden City where they expect to remain a
                week. Also, Mrs John Olsson and Miss Hattie Sanders.
           - RD Griffin, rep. of Sterling Std was doing business here Wed.
           - Yorktown: Ed Wincheli and family went to Fenton Wed. to visit Mrs Winchell's
Mar 26     - Miss Hattie Sanders purchased millinery establishment of Mrs L L Griffin and will
                give her first opening Friday and Saturday, April 1 and 2.
           - Yorktown: Miss Dollie Winchell and Miss Celia Anderson have returned home from
                Normal, Illinois where they've been attending school.
           - In Memoriam: Mrs Eliza Montgomery, two daughters: Mrs J E Bunker of Fairfield
                Illinois, Mrs W W Lane of W. Putnam, Illinois and only son William. Six
                children were born - 5 girls, 1 boy, three children and husband preceded her
                in death.

Apr 2      - Merrit Hopkins moved to town
           - Mrs Alfred Smith and her daughter Mrs Hellier
           - L L Griffin has a nice wire fence around his residential property on S. Benton St. He
                has his place very nicely fixed up and keeps adding improvemetlts every week.
           - ML Griffin had the last two fingers of his left hand badly cut by a buzz saw one day
                last week while sawing wood.
           - Yorktown: Merle Hunter returned from Eureka where he's been attending school
Apr 9      - Mrs L L Griffin had the paper hangers at work repapering her millinery rooms'for
                Miss Sanders.
           - Fairfield: Nellie Bunker..
Apr 16     - Warren Hixson was down from Rook Falls last week and made his sister, Mrs L L
                Griffin a short visit.


Apr23        - Mrs Alfred Smith received word of death of her sister Mrs J F Kelly at her home in
                   Republican City, Nebraska.
Apr 30       -. L L Griffin says since he moved to town he does not come up to town as often as he
                   did when he lived in the country.
             - George Harry Smith of Charlevois, Michigan, formerly of here, first pastor of the
                   Baptist Church of this place

May 7        - Yorktown: Mrs Levi Hopkins is reported worse this week.
May 21        Mack Pierce, 16 year old son of Mr/Mrs Mile Pierce is seriously ill with pneumonia.
             - George and John Ruck ... Mrs Frank Baldwin ... Charles Sippel
             - Mrs L L Griffin is visited relatives at Rock Island this week.
             - Rev R L Griffin, pastor of M E Church at Prophetstown,
             - Clyde Bunker returned from Chicago after visit there.

June 4       - Warren Hixson and daughter, Mrs John Adair of Rock Falls here Monday.
             - Mrs J C Pinkley and sister, Mrs Smith of Spring Valley, were visitors at their
                   brother's, F M LaDue.
             - Miss Maud Foy and cousin, Miss Carrie Edlred of Kansas.
             - Mrs Emma Pinkley and Mrs Mary Smith of Spring Valley guests of C F Sippel
             - Yorktown: Lew Winchell and family visiting with relatives and friends.
June 11      - Mert Hunter of Dixon came home last Wednesday to see parents.
             - F M LaDue and wife, A 0 Hunter and wife, W B Rosebaugh and wife, Will Diets and
                   wife and Miss Hattie McCracken drove up from Yorktown Thursday and spent
                   the night with friends and early Friday morning drove to Dixon where they
                   will attend a convention of the Christian church.
June 18      - Merritt Hopkings has moved into his new home on S. Benton St
             - Henry Brill, Irene Brill...
             - Yorktown: Miss Sharrett of Dixon is visitng her sister, Mrs. LaDue
             - L L Griffin batching it this week - his wife to Rock Island for a few days visit.
             - L L Griffin handed uf $1.50 Wed., saying "Here, I don't want to get behind on my
                   paper, make me up for another year.

July 9       - George W Winter and family went to Battle Creek, Iowa for a few days.
             - Will Lutyens and family of Galesburg visited relatives here.
             - Yorktown: Mr/Mrs Fred Pierce and daughter Lulua visited Robt. McKenzie's Friday.
July 16      - Mrs Nettie Winchell from Galesburg visited Mrs Elsie McKenzie
             - Mrs Will Winchell from Galesburg visiting friends and relatives.
July 23      - Forde Smith
             - Mrs Frank Baldwin took train to California last Monday.
July 30      - Virgil McKenzie of Fairfield and sister Mrs Nettie Winchell of Galesburg were
                   callers Monday A.M.
             - Woman's Foreigh Ministry Society: Miss Ada Hunter, recording secretary.
             - F M LaDue of Fairfield, handed us $1.50 for more Tornadoes. Major believes
                   that printers need money as well as others.
             - Yorktown: Levi Lutyens rode their wheels to our town Saturday.


July 30      - E A LaDue of Spring Valley was here last Tuesday shaking hands with old time
                  friends and neighbors. He is looking well and we understand that he has
                  enjoyed a good business in his new home. He is a pusher and when there
                  is any trade he will get the lion's share of it, you get. He found time to make
                  the Tornado office a friendly call and plunked down $3 for more Tornadoes.
             - Yorktown: Ed LaDue and wife of Spring Valley visiting their son, Marion LaDue
                  and family.

Aug 13       - A 0 Hunter of Fairfield visited
             - L L Griffin and wife and John Olsson and wife drove to Rock Falls last Sat. and
                  visited relatives there, Sunday in company with a number of friends, they
                  took dinner in the cool of the woods up the river.
             - Mrs Mary Henriken -- letter of thanks, her mother Mrs Conroy, died.
Aug 20       - Fred VanDeMark drove out of town last Saturday with a fine two seated surrey he
                  had bought at A. Smith & Bros. Fred says he will now be able to take the
                  whole family out riding and a guest or so if the occasion demands.
             - Miss Mary Lane arrived here from Lincoln, Illinois. She will teach school in this
                  vicinity this coming year.
             - Georgia LaDue led the Endeavor meeting last Wed. evening.
             - L L Griffin and wife spent last week Friday visiting friends at Rock Falls.
             - Charles Lutyens of Morrison here visiting relatives and ifiends.

Sep 3        - Alf Smith and son EArl visited Sterling last Monday and made arrangements for
                  Earl to attend Business College there this year.
Sep 8        - Yorktown: Mrs Mary Hunter and daughter Nellie visited with her brother, John
and family of Hillsdale.

Oct 1        - Miss Jennie Baldwin and brother Frank
             - Yorktown: James Bunker in Princeton this week
             - Merle Hunter broke his nose.
Oct 8        - Walter Smith of Kankakee, brother of Aif and Fred visits.
             - Marion Lane and his father of Plano arrived here.
             - Clyde Bunker returned home after visiting Omaha and Chicago.
Oct 15       - George Lane of Plano, father of Mrs E A Laflue, was a social caller at the Tornado
                  office Tuesday. Mr. Lane was one of the early settlers of this section, having
                  located near Yorktown during the fifties. He says there have been great
                  changes since that time, and in the past few years so many improvements on
                  farms and in towns that he hardly recognizes the place. He reports that
                  B E LaDue is enjoying a good practice at Plano and doing a good business
                  in his dmgstore. He will leave the latter part of this week and go to Spring
                  Valley for a week or more to visit with his daughter, Mrs LaDue, grandchildren
                  and greatgrandchildren.
             - Yorktown: Mr/Mrs J E Bunker went to Chicago Monday to spend the week wit
                  W W Lane and family.
             - Mr/Mrs Jake Winchell and son Foster, returned from Galesburg Saturday.
             - Marion Lane and his father went to Spring Valley Saturday where they will visit a

                few days then return to their home in Piano.
Oct29      - Myrtle McKenzie married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr/Mrs N L
                McKenzie, to Charles Cleaveland, son of Nelson Cleveland of Prophetstown.

Nov 5      - C C Smith of Kankakee, visiting sons Alfred and Fred here.
           - AM Smith's son Lew A Smith of Hankinson, Dakota. Lew is brother of Mrs. A.T.
                Glassburn and Mrs H L Sheldon of Rock Falls.
Nov 12     - Ford Smith of Sterling, father is Fred Smith here.
Nov 26     - Mrs L L Griffin has been visiting friends in Indiana the past several weeks, returned
           - Ed Latimer moved to Minnesota.
           - Merton Hunter died and Mrs T A Glassbum

Dec 10     - Arthur Henriken went to Prophetstown
           - Yorktown: Mrs Jake Knowlton of Sheffield here.

Dec 24     - Yorktown: Miss Minnie Thackaberry, 18th birthday surprise party, daughter of
                Mr/Mrs M R Thackberry.
Dec 31     - Will Hunter took evening train to Galesburg and from there he goes to Chicago
                where he will visit with friends and relatives for ten days.
           - May Allen ... William Allen of Hume..

 January 2006 - The above was done sometime in the 1980's. Some data I was able to machine copy, and is not is this work. Not all names have been extracted, only those who I thought pertained to my family at the time.

Melva L. Taylor - Clarkston, MI

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.