Submitted by Sandi Hartnell
Sterling Evening Gazette, Friday June 12, 1908.
While en route to their farm east of town Monday morning M.R. Lyon and daughters met with quite a serious accident. Mr. Lyon was driving a bolt on a light trap and one of the shafts came loose. This frightened the horse and it started to run, throwing Miss Minerva, who was sitting on her sister’s lap, almost under the buggy so that two wheels passed over her body, bruising her slightly. Miss Mina jumped, clearing the buggy and was not hurt. Mr. Lyon thinking to save the rig still clung to the reins until one wheel was entirely smashed and the end of the axle ploughed into the ground and threw him out breaking his nose and cutting a gash in his face which required several stitches. As soon as Miss Mina regained her feet she followed the horse which ran east over the canal bridge where it slowed down to a walk dragging the ruined buggy and where she finally succeeded in stopping it. Mr. Cooney, who happened to be near, helped Miss Mina unharness the horse and drag the buggy out of the road. She then returned to her father and sister and typing the horse, ran to the home of Mr. Knox where she called her mother and the doctor by phone. Meanwhile Mr. Knox had gotten a rig ready and the party were brought back to town where Mr. Lyn’s [sic] wounds were dressed.