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Articles & Local History > 1932 - History of Christian Church (Church of Christ)

Christian Church - Church of Christ

Tampico Tornado
November 3, 1932


Large Crowds attended Services and Program Mrs. R. L. Glassburn Read History of the Church


A large crowd of members and friends of the Christian church attended the annual Rally Day Sunday. The usual morning services were held after which a picnic diner was served at noon to about seventy. The committee in charge of the dinner consisted of Mrs. Charles Morril, chairman, Mrs. Henry Rosene, Mrs. Floyd Reinagle, Mrs. James Thomas and Mrs. Grant Goble.


At 2:30 a splendid program was given as follows: song, “Faith of Our Fathers”; prayer, Rev. J. C. Weir; song, “ComeYe Thankful People”; quartette, “Face to Face,” Mildred Rosene, Marjorie McKenzie, Edward Weir and Kenneth Sanders; history of the church, Mrs. R. L. Glassburn; song, “Enlisted for the King,” choir; reading, “Youth's Opinion,” Mrs. Leroy Elliott; rally day playlet, “Hight Tide,” with the following cast: elderly Christian, Mrs. J. C Weir; young Christian, Bernice Rosene; superintendent Mrs. L. B. Winchell; chorister, Majorie McKenzie; secretary and treasurer, Leroy Thomas; teacher's representative, Mildred Rosene; membership representative, Mrs. R. L. Glassburn; pianist, MissMarjorie McKenzie.


Following the playlet, which was greatly enjoyed, Rev. J. C. Weir gave an interesting talk urging everyone to rally every day not just on Rally Day. The service was concluded with the song, “Old Fashioned Church” b the congregration. Mrs. L. R. Winchell played the piano accompaniments. Those on the program committee were: Bernice Rosene, chairman; Mrs. L. B. Winchell, Mrs. R. L. Glassburn, Mrs. Cecil Shuman and Mildred Rosee. Eight charter members werepresent. They were Mrs. And Mrs. F. M. LaDue, Lewis LaDue, Mr. And Mrs. R. L. Glassburn, Mrs. Lovina McKenzie, Mrs. Ralph McKenzie and Mrs. Lovina Booth.


In the evening a joint service was held with the members of the M. E. church at the Christian church with music by the joint choir and orchestra.


Following is the history given by Mrs. R. L. Glassburn:


The Tampico Christian Church, which was dedicated March 23, 1903, represents the culmination of much perseverance, energy and hard work on the part of the 34 persons who then were the members of the local organization.


Prior to the dedication, services were conducted for four years in what was known as the Old Union Hall located on Main Street, where the Kelly Garage now stands. Well do some of us remember how that old hall was transformed into a place of worshhip. If I remember correctly, the pulpit was a dry-goods box covered with black calico and a little old fashioned organ donated by Mrs. Lovina Booth served as the only instrument for several years. Regular services were conducted morning and evening each Sunday. There was also a Christian Endeavor Society and a C. W. B. M. organization. Lots for the present building were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Booth who also provided three stained glass windows. The dedication services in 1903 began with a meeting at 10:30 o'clock a.m. The Rev. J. Fred Jones of Bloomington, at that time state secretary of Christian churches was the speaker. The building cost approximately $2800 of which $2000 had already been paid. Rev. Jones succeeded in raising $400 during the morning service and in the evening another $200 was pledged and paid. The building was presented to the pastor, the Rev.. W. B. Cash, in behalf of the building committee. Rev. Cash preached the dedication sermon. , Rev. French, pastor of the New Bedford Christian Church presented the keys to George Lutyens, chairman of the board. Rev. Wright, pastor of the local Baptist church and Rev. Bernreiter, pstor of the local Methodist church both spoke briefly.


A communion service was held at three o'clock in the afternoon and Rev. Jones spoke again in the evening. Miss Blanche Wiley was the organist and music was rendered under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Horner. Miss Harris of Wabash, Ind., a singing evangelist was present and participated. Church members at that time were as follows: Mr. And Mrs. E. F. McCracken, Mrs. Lovina McKenzie, Mr. And Mrs. F. M. LaDue, Mr. And Mrs. George Lutyens, Mr. And Mrs. Joesph Brown, Mr and Mrs. George Breckenridge, Mrs. Edith aent, Mrs. Addie Aydelotte, Edith Blanche Aydelotte, Mrs. . W. Stauffer, Mr. And Mrs. Howard Pierce, Mrs. Mary Backlund, Mr. And Mrs. A. L. Pierce, and Mr. And Mrs. G. W. Dir; Ralph Glassburn, Charles Belew, Earl Lutyens, Henry Pierce, Barton Moore, Mrs. Emma Landwair, Lewis LaDue, Miss Georgia LaDue, Miss Lizzie McCracken, Miss Hattie McCracken, Miss Freda Rosene, and Mrs. Lovina Booth, E. F McCracken is the oldest living charter member of the church.


It is impossible to give a complete list of the pastors who served the church. Rev. J. C. Weir, the present pastor, came here in June , 1928. During his pastorate, 82 new members have been added to the church. The present membership is 220.


Since his coming many improvements have bee made in the church building. The basement has been enlarged, rearranged, and re-decorated. The foundation has been stuccoed, the platform enlarged, a new baptistry installed, and classrooms enlarged and redecorated. Among the various organizations taking part in the work of the church are the Missionary Society, with Mrs. M. L. Pierce president; Christian Endeavor society; and Helping Hand club with Mrs. Ralph Foy president.


There is also a splended Sunday school with an enrollment of 120. L. R. Winchell, the faithful superintendent, is assisted by nine competent teachers. There are four organized classes in the school, two new clsses have recently been formed, which are the Happy Hustlers, taught by Rev. Weir and the Junior Boys taught by Ariel Brady. Two other societies have recently been organized – a junior missionary society with 20 members under the leadership of Miss Bernice Rosene and the junior Christian Endeavor under the leadership of Mrs. Versa Johnson.


And so the work of Christ goes on through this little church. Do we all do our duty? Will each one thoughtfully and prayerfully please ask yourself this question, “If every member of the church was just like me, what kind of church would this church be'?


Let us also remember as it is written in Hebrews 10:25; “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together on the first day of the week.”

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.