Friday, December 25, 1903
A surprise party was given at the home of A. C. OLIVER Thursday ***** last week in honor of Miss SLYE> Games were played and a 12 o'clock luncheon was served. Jennie SLY and Minerva LYON were waiters. Those present were: Marion STILSON, Hazel DAVIS, ***** LOVE, Ethel HUFFMAN, Hazel ***, Mina LYON, Bessie BURDEN, *** CRADDOCK, Jennie SLYE, Minerva and Lula BURDEN, Glen HOWLETT, Hugh McCLURE, Lee SAURS, Ralph Teach, Vin BURDEN, Gordon GIFFORD, Carl PETERSON, Dick BURDEN, Eagle, Guy HUNTER, Willard George ELPAUGH and Ralph McBRIDE.