Tampico Methodist Church
17 Nov 2015
M'Kendree College Degrees Conferred at Commencement
June 7, 1888
Bachelor of Arts
George Bernreuter
Date: Saturday, July 8, 1893 Paper: (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 8
Rev. George Bernreuter, who has been recommended for the pastorate Calvary Congregational church, on Kilburn Avenue, arrived in the city last evening. He is a man of fine appearance and is evidently of more than ordinary vigor of mind and body. His manner is very attractive and he will evidently be popular with all classes. He will preach tomorrow at the morning service only. In the evening, the Sunday school will give a musical children’s day exercise.
Date: Monday, July 17, 1893 Paper: (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 4
The Call Accepted and the New Pastor Will Enter Upon His Duties at Once – A Promising Pastor for a Promising Field.
The members of Calvary Congregational church, on Kilburn Avenue, certainly made a wise selection yesterday, when, at the close of the morning service, they unanimously extended a call to Rev. George Bernreuter, who has occupied the pulpit for the last two Sundays. At each of the services the talented young divine made a most favorable impression. Although the salary will necessarily be light, Mr. Bernreuter has accepted the call, believing that in this locality there is a large field for pastoral usefulness. The new pastor is the possessor of a kindly face, lit up by an earnest enthusiasm which seems to increase as he proceeds with his sermon. In delivering an address he shows a strong, clear voice that at once rivets the attention of his auditors. The young divine uses no manuscript, but his ideas are clothed in strong and impressive language, and his illustrations and figures of speech are both eloquent and brilliant. It goes without saying that Mr. Bernreuter is thoroughly enthusiastic in his work, and is just the sort of young man that Calvary church needs and has been looking for. That his efforts will be attended with success none who listened to his eloquent efforts yesterday can doubt.
The salary is $800 a year, and the Second Congregational church pays $600 a year toward the general church expenses.
Date: Monday, August 14, 1893 Paper: (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 5
City Brevities – The members and friends of the Calvary chapel will give a reception to the pastor, Rev. George Bernreuter, Tuesday evening. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 1893 Paper: (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 5
A Pleasant Reception
The reception given last evening at Calvary Congregational church, to the pastor, Rev. George Bernreuter, was a well-attended and Pleasant affair, although the rain kept quite a number away. Charles Andrews and Mr. Bernreuter received the friends, and a most enjoyable evening was passed. The exercises consisted of an instrumental solo by Rev. S. L. Conde, a recitation by Miss Emily Andrews, tenor solo by Sam J. Gibson, reading by Charles Andrews, autoharp solo by Sam J. Gibson, reading by Charles Andrews, autoharp solo by Sam J. Gibson, instrumental solo by Frank and Olive Collis and a vocal solo by Rev. Bernreuter.
Rock River Conference October 12, 1893
PASTORS ARE PLACE - Rock River Conference Closes Its Session Last Night = Some important Changes Made in the Pulpits - Rev. Farm*loe Goes to Elgin and Rev. M.L. Norris of Sandwich Succeeds Him Here.
. . . Lyndon – George Bernreuter. . .
. . . Tampico - Otto E. Read
Date: Sunday, May 27, 1894 Paper: Morning Star (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 2
Calvary Congregational church – Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Rev. George Bernreuter, pastor.
Date: Friday, July 6, 1894 Paper: Morning Star (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 4
His Resignation Tendered Though Not Accepted.
At the meeting of the Calvary Congregational church held last evening Rev. George Bernreuter, the brainy and popular young pastor, surprised every one by tendering his resignation. The people have heard him for some time and do not wish him to go, therefore they refused to accept the resignation, and it remains to be seen whether Mr. Bernreuter will leave or not. The church is in financial straits on account of the inability of the Second church to help others this season, and to make matters worse there is a bitter division among the members on the question of church sociable.
Date: Thursday, July 19, 1894 Paper: Daily Register-Gazette (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 1
Resignation of Rev. Bernreuter Accepted by Calvary Church
At a meeting of the members of Calvary Congregational church Wednesday evening the resignation of the pastor, Rev. George Bernreuter, was reluctantly accepted, but it was voted to put their shoulders to the wheel in a financial way and not disband the society. Re. B. L. Conde will fill the pulpit temporarily, Will Marshall taking charge of the Sunday school in the afternoon.
Preaching services will be held only in the morning until Sept. 1. The committees on finances for the ensuing year reported a large number of subscriptions and the outlook for the little church is very promising. Dr. Conde will also have the general direction of the Sunday school.
Date: Friday, October 18, 1895 Paper: Morning Star (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 6
Mrs. James Guest, of Mulberry Street, is entertaining her sister, Mrs. George Bernreuter, of Compton, Ill.
Date: Thursday, September 17, 1896 Paper: Daily Register-Gazette (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 5
Rev. George Bernreuter, recently of Compton, has started a monthly paper, Church and Home.
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 1898 Paper: Daily Register-Gazette (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 6
Social Column – Mrs. George Bernreuter of Linden [sic] is visiting friends and relatives in the city.
Date: Friday, October 6, 1899 Paper: Daily Register-Gazette (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 2
Rev. George Bernreuter, formerly of this city, may be sent to the First church of Sterling, which wants him.
1900 census
George b. Oct. 1860 IL/Germ/Germ married 5 yrs. [1895]
Edith b. July 1876 England/England/Eng
Gertrude b. January 1896
Date: Friday, January 16, 1903 Paper: Morning Star (Rockford, Illinois) Page: 2
The Rev. George Bernreuter, who formerly had a church in this city, is now preaching in Tampico, Ill., where he was the victim of a curious accident recently. While walking up the church aisle, intently reading the marriage ceremony that was to unite John Olsson and Matilda Gibson, he stepped in an open register and to the consternation of all present, fell through the floor onto the furnace below. The ceremony was abruptly stopped and a panic prevailed among the guests for a short time. Mr. Bernreuter was hastily rescued from his plight by members of the wedding party and although suffering from many burns and bruises, concluded the ceremony and sent the couple away as man and wife. Repairs had been made at the church and workmen had removed the register.
Date: Sunday, January 18, 1903 Paper: Denver Post (Denver, Colorado) Page: 21
Tampico, Ill., Jan. 17, - Rev. George Bernreuter, pastor of the Methodist church here, while walking up the church aisle intently reading the marriage ceremony that was to unite John Olsson and Matilda, Gibson, stepped into an open register, and, to the consternation of all present, fell through the floor onto the furnace below. The ceremony was abruptly stopped and a panic prevailed among the guests for a short time. Mr. Bernreuter was hastily rescued from his plight by members of the wedding party, and although suffering from many burns and bruises concluded the ceremony and sent the couple away as man and wife. Repairs had been made at the church and workmen had removed the register.
February 15, 1902 – Tampico Tornado (transcribed by Les Niemi)
The ladies of the W.C.T.U. gave a tea and social at the home of Mrs. R.H. McKENZIE last Friday evening. There was a large number present and the proceeds were $12.75. During the course of the evening Jerry KELLY entertained the guests with his grammaphone [sic]. A game of crokinole [sic] with Fred SMITH and Mr. AYDELOTT on one side and Rev. WRIGHT and Rev. BERNREUTER on the other resulted in the defeat of the preachers. It ought to be said in favor of the preachers, that they were too honest to cheat, and hence it was impossible to win a game
July 1, 1904 – Tampico Tornado
Members of the Methodist church are raising a fund of $200 for a large memorial window in the new church to the late pastor Rev. George BERNREUTER. The window will be the large one in the eastern side of the church and will be a handsome one done in pretty stained glass effects. Daily Republican, Belvidere, IL
Thursday, April 14, 1904 p.5 – Tampico Tornado
Rev. George Bernreuter of Tampico died on Sunday afternoon of cerebral hemorrhages caused by nervous prostration. Rev. Mr. Bernreuter was pastor of a Congregational church at Rockford some years ago but changed his faith and joined the Rock River Conference of the Methodist church. He married Miss Edith W. Gibbons of Woodstock in 1895.
Stained Glass Window
Submitted by: Connie Essig Stained glass window of Tampico Methodist Church
Sterling Standard - April 2, 1904
Plans and specifications are being secured from the different contractors at Tampico for the complete remodeling of the Methodist church at that place. The plan as contemplated is to build additions on the east and west sides of the church and also on the south end. The addition on the west side of the church will be 10 by 54 feet. Thirty feet of the addition will be used for the pulpit and rostrum. Adjoining this on the south will be a small Sunday school room 10 by 10 feet with a door opening into the rostrum. The addition on the south end of the church will extend the entire length of the building and along the ten-foot west addition, making it 15 by 40. There will be a six-foot hall way off the south end of this in which one of the main church entrances will be located. The other one being the old entrance. The rest of the addition will be used for the Sunday school room and will open by folding doors into the main body of the church. The east addition will be 10 by 30 and will face the pulpit in the west addition.
The seating will be circular pews, all of which will be new and of late pattern. The seating capacity will be increased at least 150. All of the old windows will be replaced by handsome new stained glass ones and a handsome large stained glass window will be put in the east addition. The contemplated improvement will cost $3,500 and will make the church one of the most convenient and best in the district for the size of the charge.
Additional history:
Reverend Bernreuter, who worked so faithfully and was so interested in his work, was lost to earthly service Sunday, April 4, 1904 during the Sunday school hour. A fitting tribute was given to him by placing in the nearly finished church the beautiful memorial window with the picture of the Good Shepherd.
The dedication services were held Sunday, September 4, 1904 with three services being held during the day. Many guests and former ministries were present when the $4560 improvements were consecrated to use of future generations. Over 1000 people attended church during the three services on that Memorial Day. On that Dedication Day, the finance committee, reported all bills had been paid in full. Two members A.T. Glassburn and J.W. Glassburn had been most generous and contributed half of the total amount
April 18, 1903
Mrs. H.A. KEMP resigned as president of the Ladies Aid society of the M.E. church at the meeting at O.D. OLSSON's Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. BERNREUTER was elected president to fill the vacancy.
Find-A-Grave: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=107063399
Oct. 20, 1860
Washington County
Illinois, USA
Apr. 10, 1904
Whiteside County
Illinois, USA
1902 THS Grad. Program
Submitted by Connie Essig 1902 graduating class program at Burden Opera House. Class of 1902 of the Tampico High School At Burden Opera House, Wednesday, June 11, 1902, 8:15 p.m. Program - March Invocation - ? G. Bernreuter Music - Cleo Quartette ***** ** Self Love Salutatory - Mary Richardson The Spirit of ***** - Jay Cantlin Music **** - Dr. & Mrs. Horner Dreams - Darlen West (Cantlin)? Class Poems - May Allen Music vocal **** Valedictory - Roy McKenzie Presentation of Diplomas - Pres Board of Education Music - Cleo Quartette ***** - Rev. Bernreuter
CENTENNIAL - Mckendree College, St. Clair Co. History 1928
Rev. George Bernreuter
George Bernreuter was born at Nashville, Illinois, in the year 1861 [sic]. He was a son of Dr. Conrad and Mrs. Catherine Bernreuter, who were both Germans. After receiving preliminary education in the home schools, he became a student in McKendree College, and having completed the Classical Course, he graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1888. He was a member of the Platonian Literary Society. After his graduation, he entered the ministry and spent the remainder of his life in that profession. He died at Tampico, Illinois, in 1904. He left a widow, Mrs. Edith Bernreuter, and two children, Gertrude and George, who now reside at Woodstock, Illinois. He was a modern Woodman and a member of the Masonic Order.