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Highland School split in two!
The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
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1 post
Oct 21, 2007
1:06 AM
Yes, we had a one room school named Highland. To think both Arlan K. and Curtis P. both went to that school together. Margie Carlson was our teacher. It was my fourth grade year that our school was divided sending some of us to Prophetstown and others to the Tampico school system. Many times I have looked upon the knoll just north of the Crandall farm thinking of the cold winters and wonderful summer times we all spent. We each have our roll models and growing within a small one room school makes them more vivid. Having half of our student body sent to P-town and the others sent to Tampico was like cutting each of use in half.

The Highland school was moved to Rock Falls and become a building used as a music building. The mound or knoll where the school was located is now just another part of the agricultural surroundings. During that same year many of us were brought together for the first time. Fourth grade for me in Tampico was with Mrs. Paul Taylor. What a new experience that was! We even had school buses to ride! The days of walking to school in the country were lost forever. I remember Mollie Gosney was our first bus driver.

We should all remember Nim and Mollie Gosney who had their corn shelling business in Tampico. That was the days when we put our corn into corncribs and shelled the ears during the winter. Those were the days when we shared our farm equipment amoungst our farm neighbors. It was the days of the John Deere, Oliver, International, Ford, Case, Massey Harris all working within the same arena together. There was even a Fordson Major Diesel(Blue)which was a first. The days of two row plowing, planting and harvesting seem so far in the past. Yet, it was only yesterday. Have we progressed? What a time it was, when farm neighbors spent holidays together celibrating that which they each where thankful for. Health and happiness not riches and image.
Memories from the past,
Dale Crandall
3 posts
Oct 22, 2007
6:04 AM
Hi Dale,
Your article brought back some memories. Growing up in Tampico, as small as it was, even us "city slickers" got a
taste of rural life. The days when farmers shared equipment
are long gone, but it seemed like a much better time back
I don't remember Highland School, but I remember when
Margie Carlson came to teach in Tampico. I think that was
the first year in the new addition on the grade school.
You mentioned Mrs. Taylor, and I was thinking her husband's
name was George. There were a few new teachers that year as
I recall.
1 post
Nov 11, 2007
5:20 PM
Mrs. Taylor's husband was George, and their son was Paul. And I'm with you--things were sure better back then!

Last Edited by on Nov 11, 2007 5:21 PM
2 posts
Nov 12, 2007
12:23 PM
I was wrong about Mrs Taylor's son being Paul--it was Pat. Milo pointed out to me that Mrs. Gerber's son was Paul (she was a teacher of our's in high school). Sorry I spoke so soon!

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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.