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Chapin Creamery
The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
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158 posts
Jan 24, 2005
2:43 AM
From : Holmquist Sent : Thursday, June 10, 2004 1:37 PM
To : Denise McLoughlin
Subject : Creamery

Hello Denise,

I happened across your website while looking for information on
Reagan, and noticed on the timeline section three citations regarding
Chapin family and their creamery. The citations are:

1912 - L.E. Chapin erected a new building and opened a Cream & Poultry

1933 - Chapin's started to manufacture cheese.

1966 - Chapin's Creamery closed due to lack of milk.

The Chapin's are distant cousins of mine. I can add a little more
information about the family and the creamery.

Ellen Larson of Sterling, Illinois (born February 2, 1889 - died
29, 1945) married Leslie Chapin (born June 3, 1886 - died January 29,

Ellen and Leslie had three children: Harry, Margaret and Richard.

Some years ago Margaret (Chapin) Vickrey wrote a letter to me containing

"My parents Ellen (Larson) and Leslie Chapin moved to Tampico, Illinois,
1913 and started a poultry house ([they] bought live poultry, eggs and
at the door as well as running a wagon through the countryside
buying those items). In the 1930as the poultry business was phased out
[the new business] became the Creamery making butter and cheese and
pasteurizing milk. The business was sold in 1966. The business was run
Leslie Chapin and later years by sons Harry and Richard Chapin [who had
assisting their father in the cheese and butter business long before]."

I have a digital photo of the creamery and will send it to you if the
historical society is interested. Above the door is a sign which says

Milk Cream
Cheese Butter

The Chapins did well with their creamery. The creamery eventually
three tons of cheese a day according to Margaret.

Margaret Vickrey (Chapin) lived in Tampico until 1950. I am related to
mother, Ellen (Larson) Chapin who was my great-grandmother's niece.

I can give a short family tree on the Chapins if you are interested.


Lennart Holmquist
Bainbridge Island, WA

Denise, Tampico Area Historical Society

Last Edited by Administrator on Jan 24, 2005 2:43 AM
Nov 07, 2005
6:53 PM
I have fond boyhood memories of Richard Chapin and of the Creamery/Poultry business. The Chapins lived across the street from us and, although Richard was a few years younger, we were excellent friends and played together. Richard had a bb-gun and we would go to the poultry house. There stored feed for the chickens in little rooms and the mice would often find those rooms. We would scare them up the screen walls and shoot them with the bb-gun.

We would then go to the cheese factory portion. They had a rat terrier named Sandy. We would call sandy and Dick would walk down one side of the cheese presses with the gun and Sandy and I with a club and flashlight down the other. We would invariably find one or two rats in the empty presses. Dick would shoot it with the gun and chase it toward me. I would try to hit it with the stick and if I missed or just stunned the rat, Sandy would grab it.

About 10 years ago I was at an American Legion meeting in Rock Falls and heard that Dick was living there. I called him on the phone and had a very nice talk with him. A couple of years later I heard that Dick had died.

I knew Margaret and Harry as well, but they were older.

Bob M
25 posts
Nov 08, 2005
8:47 PM
Just a quick tidbit on the CHAPIN egg business in Tampico - from the pages of the Tampico Tornado:

July 22, 1920
The fine new refrigerating plant at L.E. CHAPIN's poultry and egg plant has been completed and was in operation for the first time this week. Mr. CHAPIN says that he has ample storage and cooling room for four car loads of eggs or some 576,000 eggs. He will be able to hold eggs until they are sold during market declines. His plant is in good shape now to handle any amount of poultry, eggs and cream and to pay top prices for it because of the improved facilities for marketing.
Nov 10, 2005
7:38 PM
Don't forget the "Cheese Days". The homecoming for years was called Cheese Days and I can still taste those delicious cheese sandwiches. I'm sure the cheese came from the factory - whether donated or sold - whichever, it was good.

Bob M
295 posts
Nov 10, 2005
8:50 PM
To Bob M.
"Thanks for the memories"...and history has it that the cheese sandwiches were FREE!
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society
692 posts
Apr 28, 2009
1:56 PM
Hey everyone!
Every year in August we have our Pot Luck dinner in August. Everyone is invited - bring dish to pass, etc. The program will be on the Tampico Creamery. We are looking for anyone that use to work there and would like them to attend this program. Please contact me if you would like more information. Denise: tahs@thewisp., ddm1050@hotmail.com

Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society
715 posts
Jun 13, 2009
6:05 PM
Good News! Our program for our annual potluck meeting in August is The Chapin Creamery. We are inviting those who worked at the Creamery to join us and reminisce. So far, we have Harold Grimes, John Taets, Denver Cole & Gene Wright committed to attending and sharing. If you or someone you know worked there and would like to join us, please contact me at your earliest convenience!

If you worked there, but are not able to attend, but have a story (or two) to share, please post here or email me to share with the group.

Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society

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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.