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TAHS New Entries for Feb. & March 2005
TAHS New Entries for Feb. & March 2005
Apr 8, 2005
MARCH 2005 ENTRIES PHOTOS Dyer Booth - submitted by Howard Booth (Booth Family Photo Album) Clara E. Booth - submitted by Howard Booth (Booth Family Photo Album) Darlene Cantlin, Lottie Carter, Daisy Marshall and Margaret McKenzie (McKenzie Photo Album), submitted by Connie Essig McCue Family 1910 (James McCue Biography/Whiteside Co.), submitted by Colleen Butler WHITESIDE COUNTY HISTORICAL INFORMATION 1885 (Many surnames listed in these village & township histories) Preface to Whiteside Co. Townships Ablany Township Village of Albany Clyde Township Village of Malvern (Clyde Twnp) Coloma Township Rock Falls Hume Township Village of Galt Village of Empire Erie Township Erie Village MISCELLANEOUS Misc. articles on Olive Glassburn, (Tampico Tornado Articles) submitted by Les Niemi Announcement: HY&T videos available for sale $23.85 (includes postage). Mail request and check to: Tampico Area Historical Society, P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 Yorktown General Store re-opening in April, 2005. Added a web page for them (Main Menu/Area Attractions & Accommodations) OBITS Obit for Olive (Johnston) Glassburn from the Tampico Progress, submitted by Les Niemi William Curran, submitted by Katherine Walters BIOGRAPHIES Milton B. Woodward (Whiteside County) John Ferguson (Whiteside County) James McCue (Whiteside County) Louis Oltmanns (Whiteside County) ARTICLES & LOCAL HISTORY News article: Democrat buys, preserves Ronald Reagan Birthplace (Articles & Local History) News article: Shortline railroad was long on good times (Articles & Local History) News article: Tampico recalls president's roots (Articles & Local History) News article: Reagan in Tampico (Articles & Local History) Illinois Soldier's & Sailor's Home - Quincy D. B. Langley (Military) James Scully (Military) History of the Swedes in Illinois Part III Charles Adams (Library/Swedes in IL) FEBRUARY 2005 ENTRIES WHITESIDE COUNTY HISTORICAL INFORMATION 1885 Poor Farm (Whiteside County) Record Building (Whiteside County) Building for the Insane (Whiteside County) PRESIDENT'S CORNER New message from TAHS president, Ann Martin (Main Menu/Misc./President's Corner) BIOGRAPHIES Henry B. Frey (Whiteside County) Richard Drury (Whiteside County) Conrad Seyller (Henry County) Charles L. Savage (Bureau County/Past & Present 1906) John Sieben (Henry County) Wm. Harbaugh (Henry County) Levi Pillsbury (Henry County) David Luther (Henry County) Amasa Garrett (Bureau, Marshall & Putnam Counties) Horace Abbott (Whiteside County) John F. Demmon (Whiteside County) William Taylor (Whiteside county) William F. Twining (Whiteside County) HISTORY History of Port Henry, N.Y. 1931-Mckenzie Family (Articles & Local History); submitted by Connie Essig OBITS Corrected spelling on Kuepker obit (typo said Keupker - sorry!) ILLINOIS SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S HOME AT QUINCY John Dimon (Military) SWEDES IN ILLINOIS Rev. Carl W. Sundmark (Reference Library/Swedes in IL) PHOTO ALBUMS "Adopt-a-Trophy" photos and descriptions of some of the trophies available for "adoption" Also see "Projects" (Photo Albums/Adopt-a-Trophy) Identified two students in Pleasant Hill School Photo, submitted by Ryan Arians (Bureau County Schools) MISCELLANEOUS Revised membership application to accomodate donations. Also changed mailing address directly to the TAHS.
TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.