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Nov 2, 2005
The Tampico Area Historical Society offers over 2000 pages of FREE historical & genealogical information and photos and is a constant work-in-progress. We cover parts of Whiteside County, Bureau County and Henry County, in Illinois. Inter-active message board http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/page/page/23882.htm Local research assistance available. WHAT'S NEW? (New entries for the month with direct links) http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/page/page/1265290.htm NEW ENTRIES FOR OCTOBER 2005 (parentheses indicate where to find from Main Menu/Table of Contents) BIOGRAPHIES John Hechtner (Bureau Co./1885) William R. Brightman (Whiteside/1885) William August Hein (Whiteside/1900) Leander T. Pomeroy (Bureau Co./1885) Sterling Pomeroy (Bureau Co./1885) Warren Poole (Bureau Co./1885) Allen Horton (Bureau/Marshall/Putnam Co.s - 1896) James O'Brien (Bureau Co./1906) Andrew Swanzy (Bureau Co./1906) Joshua Browning (Henry Co./1885) OBITS Thomas J. Kelley (aka: Kelly) includes Funeral Record (Obits) John Myers - 1910 (Obits), Submitted by Eldon Peterson Moses Wright - 1897 (Obits), Submitted by Eldon Peterson Lucy Ann (Newton) Wright - 1896 (Obits), Submitted by Eldon Peterson Thomas A. Wright - 1948 (Obits), Submitted by Eldon Peterson PHOTO ALBUMS Tampico Band 1951 (People/Places/Things) Hochstatter's Market (Tampico Buildings) Simpson Powelson Lumber Co. (Tampico Buildings) RNA - Silver Leaf Club, Deer Grove (People/Places/Things) FUN SEE CLUB (People/Places/Things) Tampico - East side (Tampico Buildings) Paving Main Street (Tampico Buildings) East side of Main Street (Tampico Buildings) North View from top of Elevator (Tampico Buildings) Myers Family Album (Family Photo Albums), Submitted by Eldon Peterson Harold Winchell with "Dutch" Reagan (Reagan Photo Gallery), Submitted by Eldon Peterson MILITARY IL Union Volunteer Regiments Civil War Vets listed by residence (a cross-reference from various data bases (Military) HISTORY Brief history of DENROCK station (W. Bastian's Whiteside History) BUREAU COUNTY History of Bureau Township (Bureau County/1885) MARRIAGES Johnson/Wescott - 1917 (Marriages), Submitted by Eldon Peterson MISC Updated Whiteside County Clerk Email addresses (Whiteside Co./Contacts) Tampico High School - Maiden/Married Names of some of THS students (Whiteside Co./Tampico History Index Denise McLoughlin Family History Coordinator Tampico Area Historical Society http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com
TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.