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WHAT'S NEW? New entries for May 2004
WHAT'S NEW? New entries for May 2004
Jun 1, 2004
Here it is - the first official newsletter for the Tampico Historical Society. As you may have noticed, I have been busy totally revamping the website as well as adding a plethora of information and photos. Many thanks to all of you that have contributed towards this. There are a few things I'd like to point out about the new "face lift" of the site. 1. The new header (photo at top of each page) is the mural that is painted on the side of the Village Hall building and I think it was painted by our own Donnie Kirst. It depicts the history of Tampico, i.e., The two fires, the tornado, the town's incorporation in 1876 and of course, the "Dummy" (HY&T railroad). All of this is chronicled in the "History of Tampico" articles, as well as the "Tampico Time-Line." 2. I'm so happy to finally have all of the cemetery listings on line now. However, there was a slight logistics problem (i.e., I goofed). The listings were scanned from the original lists, not transcribed. Originally, I had transcribed the Tampico Memorial Cemetery. Many of you wrote in to tell me of inccorect spellings or omissions, and it was very simple for me to make the corrections to the transcribed listings on the site. I did not have the original lists to make the corrections on them. Long story short, I need your help again. The new scanned listings do not reflect the corrections. Please let me know if you find any errors. I cannot correct the scanned list in pdf format; however, I can list the corrections on the primary page. I apologize for this, but it was impossible for me to cross-reference the changes from the old to the new. 3. The new "search this site" is a marvelous new tool that I've added. However, it only updates once per week. Don't rely on it as your only source for perusing the site for your family names. You will also need to hit your back button to return to the Tampico site after viewing all of the search results. 4. The website is now the "Official" website for the Tampico Historical Society and paid for by the Village of Tampico! I still do this on a volunteer basis (not reimbursed or paid in any form), but I no longer have to pay for the web space out of my own pocket (which I have done for 3 years). This is exciting to me, not only for the financial relief, but because the site has gained the attention and respect of the community leaders. This will encourage more participation from the village, which benefits all of us. 5. This site is always a "work-in-progress." I'm especially excited about the new "Biography" section. Please be sure to review them periodically, as I continue to add new information to the family bios as I acquire it. Many thanks to all of you who have already submitted your family histories. Family Histories should be snail-mailed to my attention, Denise McLoughlin, to the Society's address listed on home page of the site. Photos can be emailed to me in jpg. format (bitmap works, too, but I prefer jpg.)These will be uploaded to the site, but not printed out for the family files in our Family History Library. If you would like photos included in your family file at the Historical Society, please snail-mail copies to the society. 5. If there are specific types of information you would like to see included in this newsletter, please contact me. This site is for YOU. Enjoy! ~ Denise WHAT'S NEW? May Entries OVER 500 PHOTOS POSTED ON THIS SITE! WOW! 5/01/04 - Added NEW Photo Album for maps, atlases, etc. The street map of SW Tampico also gives brief history of the CB&Q RR. Also included Farm ownership atlases for all Whiteside County Townships! 5/01/04 - HY&T RR maps/atlases submitted by Neil Wolf. Found in PHOTO ALBUM -TRAINS 5/02/04 - 1920 photos of Elmdorf Groceries & 1st Nat'l Bank located in Photo Album 1/People,Places 5/02/04 - How Whiteside Misssed Forming a Part of the State of Wisconsin - located in ARTICLES section of site. 5/03/04 - Early Tampico History added to Menu (transcribed from Portraits & Biographical Album of Whiteside County, IL. Originally published 1885, Chapman Bros., Chicago, IL) 4 pages 5/03/04 - Bio on George Foy in BIOGRAPHIES section of site. 5/03/04 - Bio on N. Lutyens with lithograph in BIOGRAPHIES section of site 5/03/04 - Bio on J.W. Glassburn from an 1885 publication in BIOGRAPHIES section of site. 5/03/04 - Bios on Albert J & Andrew T Glassburn (1885) in BIOGRAPHIES 5/04/04 - More early history taken from the Tampico Centennial Year Book - 1975 (2 pages) 5/04/04 - History of Hahnaman Township, including Deer Grove (2 pages) 5/07/04 - Updated "CALENDAR" for up-coming events May & June 5/07/04 - Bio on Geo. Forward in BIOGRAPHIES section 5/07/04 - Bio on Alpha Eugene Jacobs in BIOGRAPHIES 5/08/04 - Obit for Albert Ellsworth in ARTICLES/HISTORY 5/09/04 - LEON CEMETERY listings in pdf. format. Select from menu 5/09/04 - Photo of YMCL Band 1910 in PHOTO ABLUM 1/People, Places, Things. Submitted by Neil Wolf 5/10/04 - Completed TAMPICO MEMORIAL CEMETERY listings (Whew! What a job that was. Feel free to post your kudos in the guest book - smile) 5/12/04 - Added listings for ST MARYS CEMETERY 5/12/04 - Maps of Cemetery layouts for TMC, Fairfield/Yorktown and Leon Cemeteries in MAPS & ATLASES 5/12/04 - Added YORKTOWN/FAIRFIELD CEMETERY listings 5/15/04 - Two obits (John & Amy Strouss) in ARTICLES/HISTORY/OBITS. Submitted by Dennis Krebs (grand-nephew) 5/17/04 - 1914 TAMPICO MERCHANTS DIRECTORY. Located in ARTICLES/HISTORY 5/19/04 - Added new links to IL COUNTY FORMATION ANIMATED MAP, CEMETERIES IN WHITESIDE COUNTY, IL TRAILS, and updated WHITESIDE GENEALOGY SOCIETY. Found in our LINKS section with brief description of each website. 5/21/04 - Photo of Bridge #51/Hennepin Canal. Located in PHOTO ALBUM 1/HENNEPIN CANAL 5/22/04 - Added new PHOTO ALBUM - TRAINS. I have transfered all of the HY&T photos to this album and added new photos Started seperate photo album for GRAVESITES - will add new photos as time allows. Select from MENU in left side-bar. 5/27/04 - Added new BIOGRAPHIES section. Select from side-bar menu 5/27/04 - More photos submitted for the LYON family 5/27/04 - Added NEWSLETTER/MAILING LIST as a new feature. Select from side-bar menu 5/27/04 - Added Bios on BROWN, JACOBS, LYON & EMMON in BIOGRAPHIES 5/27/04 - Added a "search" engine for site. NOTE: I have added many more entries since the installation of the site "search engine". The search engine is updated once a week. It is a helpful tool, but until I am finished upgrading the site, it will not "find" all the new entries yet.
TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.