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Newsletters > TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates, April5, 2011
TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates, April5, 2011

Feb 22, 2011

CALENDAR OF EVENTS: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/page/page/22558.htm (Book mark this page & check back often for updates/corrections/additions, etc.)

I wish to remind everyone of the Third year of Grave Decorations being sold. This is a wonderful way to remember one's loved ones in a visual way as well as a way to help the Society gain an addition to the treasury. See photos of available arrangements: https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/AdoptAGrave2011?feat=directlink

FUNd Raiser for TAHS
Mexican Train Dominoes nite for April 30. An evening of fun, fellowship and food. Door Prizes, Refreshments. Held in Community Bldg., Contact: Terry Gaskill, 815-535-3665

REMINDER - Membership Dues for 2011-2012 (May 1, 2011 - April 30, 2012) are due. Membership forms and pricing can be found online:
Individual - $10; Family - $15; Business - $50; Sponsor - $10; Patron - $25 Make checks payable to TAHS (Tampico Area Historical Society)
Please remit to:
Joan Johnson, Treasurer
1720 Matznick Road Tampico, IL 61283

New feature on "What's New," "Obituaries" & "Message Board" pages. You can now be notified when there has been a change on any of these pages. There is a little "change detection" box on each of these pages. Follow the instructions by filling in your email, etc. You can change it at any time. I may add this feature to other pages, but I want to see how it works for these first. This "box" is located near the top of the pages.

Another new feature is at the bottom of each page: If you like the information on a page, you can click on the "share this" icon at the bottom of any page on site. It will give you a few options: email the page to someone, post it to your Facebook page, etc.

We received a letter from Sherry Berta and April Koltes that the Heintzelman Family Reunion will be held on July 2nd in Joliet at the home of Sherry and Jim Berta. The date was decided on so that family members could have some extra time to be together. Apparently this is the first official Heintzelman family reunion. That's exciting! We will have a chance to pull everything together. The plans are still being finalized. If someone is interested in attending, and no letter was sent, just let us know who you are.

R Welch writes: "My father Edward F. Welch was born in Tampico to Charles S and Sophia (Steinke) Welch. I am trying to get some additional information regarding my grandparents. Their is only one remaining sibling,a sister from my father's family and she lives on the coast. My father's family eventually moved to Galesburg where I grew up. I would be interested to know if there is any relatives in the Tampico area and any history of the family. I think that on my grandmother's side there may be some Steinke relatives in the area. Sofia's birth date was December 18th and I think around 1888. She died around 1977 and was 89 if I remember correctly. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you." If you can help, you can respond on the board: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/1051643.htm or contact me @ tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com

REAGAN GALA (Deer Valley) on You Tube http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/932035.htm

UNVEILING THE REAGAN FOREVER STAMP on You Tube (held in the Tampico Reagan Birthplace) http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/939853.htm

NORDENADLER UPDATE - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/350601.htm

SHERE - PIERCESON FAMILIES - (page 2) http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/902.htm?page=2

SIPPEL - BERGE FAMILIES - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/board/board_topic/23882/308408.htm

NEW ADDITIONS TO OUR PICASA PHOTO WEB ALBUMS https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety

SIPPEL FAMILY ALBUM - https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/SIPPELFamily?feat=directlink

Unveiling of Reagan Forever Stamp - Feb. 10 https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/UnveilingForeverStamp?feat=directlink#

Reagan Centennial Birthday Celebration - Feb. 6 https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/ReaganCentennial2011?feat=directlink#

Van De Velde Family Album https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/VanDeVelde?feat=directlink#

Winchell Family Album https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/WINCHELLFamily?feat=directlink#

Tampico Events 2011 (temorary album) https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/TAMPICOEVENTS2011?feat=directlink#


Tampico Memorial Cemetery: Gwendolyn Strouss; Kenneth Strouss; John & Amy Strouss

(Original) GIFT SHOP - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Gift_Shop.html
I am in the process of moving the current GIFT SHOP page over to our PICASA WEB ALBUMS. https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/GiftShop02#5585871249129250370
REAGAN CANCELLED CACHES & RAINBOW STAMPS. The rainbow stamp is only available from the Ronald Reagan Birthplace. It is a limited edition, so you need to place orders ASAP. https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/GiftShop02#5585885315828638210

The GIFT SHOP ORDER FORM will also be updated. Some products are no longer available. http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Gift_Shop_Order_Form.html

1930 - Josephine Winchell & Herbert Van De Velde http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/articles/article/1327208/152786.htm

OBITUARIES - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Obit_Index.html

2011 - Arlene Dorothy Wheelock
2011 - Don Kirst
2011 - Albert Kolling, Jr.
1912 - Gwendolyn Strouss (infant)
1918 - Capotola Maxfield
1918 - Thomas Rassmasen
1918 - William Hunter
1918 - Charls West
1918 - Margaret (Britton) Camp
1918 - Christian Johnson
2011 - Betty (Upton) Bollman
2011 - Peggy Sisk
2011 - Carmen Mazzei
2011 - Evelyn Kowalski
2011 - Vivian DeWaele
2011 - Gerladine Bolbock
1944 - Jesse H. Gillette
2011 - John "Jack" Brady
2006 - Josephine Van De Velde
1969 - Herbert Van De Velde
1924 - Desmonia Winchell
1934 - Edwin Winchell
1897 - Mary Hunter
1917 - Elijah Cummings
1941 - Howard Winchell
2011 - Dorothy Gustafson
1901 - Wm. H. Hackett
1918 - Charls West
1932 - Clara Evelyn McKenzie Pierce
1932 - Elizabeth Sumption
1932 - Catherine Steinke
1932 - Mildred Stevens
1932 - Margaret Coleman

ARTICLES & LOCAL HISTORY - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Articles_Local_History.html

2011 - Bertha Driessens celebrates 95th Birthday

Tampico Lions Club Pancake Breakfast 2011 - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/articles/article/22587/153203.htm

1918 - ACCIDENTAL POISONING OF MRS. WM. STEADMAN - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/articles/article/22587/154376.htm


* Connie Essig - Monetary, for the Family History Library & Research Center
* Duane & Ruth Thompson - HP7500 Copy/printer/scanner for TAHS
* Audrey Lange - Monetary in appreciation of FHL & RC

Plat Maps for Main St., Village of Tampico for the following years have been added to our Family History Library/Research Center:
1886; 1893; 1900; 1910 & 1921
These are very helpful for my Main Street Businesses book I am putting together. If you have any photos of any of the businesses on Main Street or if you have any stories, etc., please forward them on to me. Let me know if I have permission to put them in the book or if they are just for our files.

Our guest speaker for our March program was Michael Murphy from Rockford, IL. Mr. Murphy had a personal visit with President Reagan in his Los Angeles office in 1998. It was a very moving experience for him and his admiration was evident in his presentation. Mr. Murphy is very enthusiastic with an infectious energy. We are looking forward to more visits from him. There are two photos of him in our TAHS PROGRAMS
Picasa album: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/uSOL6YjZ1PTACux8HgFhbQ?feat=directlink

April 26, 2011 – End of Year/Annual meeting. Refreshments.

May 24, 2011 - Ron Slack - "Stealing Lincoln's Body" (815-433-2896), Ottawa, IL (mail Tampico brochure) Ron Slack - Lincoln's grave (May meeting) 845 Thornberry Dr Ottawa, IL 61350-4270 (815) 433-3429 Ottawa, IL Ron is retired teacher from Ottawa High School & member of the Civil War Round Table.

May 30, 2011 - Tampico Memorial Day Cemetery Walk (Gene Wright will not be able to do a presentation)

May 30, 2011 – Adopt-A-Grave program sponsored by TAHS. Small: $5; Med.: $10; Large: $15; Saddle: $25 https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/AdoptAGrave?feat=directlink Orders: Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705

Aug. 23, 2011 - Pot Luck- Gene Wright will represent Rear Admiral Jos. Reeves. "Bull" Reeves was born in Tampico, IL in 1872. He served in 3 wars; was the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy; was instrumental initiating the use of air-craft carriers in war tactics AND the very first football helmet was made for him in 1894. Gene has presented this program in other towns and received many complementary reviews in the media.

CEMETERY WALK, 5/30/11 : If you would like to have someone represented in this memorial walk, please contact Denise McLoughlin, 815-590-2143 or tampicohistoricalsociety.com.

•   STURM family – Connie Schmitt Essig (descendant)
* STEADMAN, T. O. - Audrey Lange (descendant)
No suggestions at this time. Please contact Denise McLoughlin if you would like to have someone honored in this cemetery. 815-590-2143

ADOPT-A-GRAVE - https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/AdoptAGrave2011?feat=directlink
Once again the TAHS will sponsor the Adopt-a-Grave program. This is such a wonderful & inexpensive opportunity to remember loved ones or adopt a grave that no longer has someone to "care" for it. Lovely arrangements are available for $5, $10, & $15 or a saddle for $25. ORDERS: Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705

RONALD REAGAN BIRTHPLACE - Now open Mon. - Sat. 10a-4p & Sunday, 1:00p-4:00p.m. Closed Easter Sunday. This year, they WILL be open for Mother's Day. Watch for details of Reagan Centennial events on Mother's Day in Tampico. Contact: Joan Johnson: 815-622-8705 or reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net -

REAGAN CENTENNIAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS (includes area-wide events) http://www.illinoisreagancentennial.com/calendar.htm#may11

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY is open by chance or appointment only. Contact Denise McLoughlin if you would like to visit the Family History Library/Research Center, 815-590-2143, tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com - or - TAHS President, Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705 or garyjoan@thewisp.net

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.