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TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates, March 2012
TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates, March 2012
Mar 25, 2012
CALENDAR OF EVENTS IN TAMPICO - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/page/page/22558.htm
RONALD REAGAN BIRTHPLACE & MUSEUM 2012 SEASON - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/R_Reagan_Birthplace_Museum.html Open for tours 7 days per week, April - October. Mon. - Sat. - 10AM - 4PM Sunday (except Mother's Day), 1PM - 4PM. Contact Birthplace manager, Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705, reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net Still accepting applications for volunteers.
WELCOME Welcome to our newest contributor, Robin Weber Pardus! Robin is currently building a database for Sharon Cemetery and sharing it with the TAHS. Here is a wonderful news article on Robin: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2BY7meZr6uAdGN2X0RqTkpRUkNSdFJETGdUdVllZw We are very fortunate to have Robin on our team!
FUND RAISER Fun-Match at Tampico Tampico Historical Society is planning their annual "fun" - Matching Fund Raiser with Royal Neighbors of America - Mexican Train Dominoes - Saturday, April 14 - Doors at Tampico Community Building open at 6 PM, with play beginning at 6:30 PM. Low score prizes will be awarded, as well as door prizes being drawn between games. Refreshments will be served. $5.00 donation to play - Tampico Community Building is handicap accessible. Everyone is welcome to come join us. For more information
VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are still needed for the Ronald Reagan Birthplace. Hours of operation are Mon - Sat., 10a-4p & Sun., 1p-4p. It's a great way to learn more about your historic town, meet new people from around the world & support your community. Remember, these visitors not only go to the Birthplace; they may fill their tanks with gas, eat their meals or quench their thirst or grab their snax for the road here. Bring a friend. It's helpful to have two people so one person can stay in Gift Shop, while another continues Tour upstairs. We really need some "younger" folks to help in this endeavor. GREAT project for History students. Contact: Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705 for details. Try it; you'll like it!
TAMPICO HISTORIC PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Resignation from Tampico Historic Preservation Advisory Committee - After 9 years of service, I resigned from this committee in March, 2012. It was an honor and a pleasure to have worked on this committee. This committee is part of the Tampico Municipal Code: Title 15.16, BUILDINGS & CONSTRUCTION - "Historic Preservation": http://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=16651 This is not part of the Tampico Area Historical Society (TAHS) and I will continue my duties as the Family History Coordinator with the TAHS.
The mayor of Tampico has appointed Sandra Turnow to the Historic Preservation Committee. To my knowledge, there are still two or three positions to be filled. If you are interested, please contact Tampico Village Hall: http://www.tampicoil.com/?page_id=28 The Village of Tampico has recently established a website, which can be very helpful to its residents. Home page: http://www.tampicoil.com/
TAMPICO MEMORIAL DAY CEMETERY WALK 2012 It's almost time for the annual Cemetery Walk held on Monday, May 28, 2012. The ceremony in each cemetery begins with the Tampico American Legion #574 display of the Avenue of Flags, rifle salute and Taps.
After the presentations honoring those in the St. Mary's Cemetery, the memorial continues in the Tampico Memorial Cemetery. This year, we are focusing on the Civil War Vets buried here, but it is not limited to them. If you have someone you would like to honor this year, please contact Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705, garyjoan@thewisp.net, or Denise McLoughlin, 815-590-2143, tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com. Here is a list of Civil War Vets buried in both cemeteries: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2BY7meZr6uAWWk0TndyZmJfRG8 Private Henry Wetzell will be represented in the Tampico Memorial Cemetery. INDEX TO TAMPICO MEMORIAL CEMETERY: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/TampicoMemCemIndex.html INDEX TO ST. MARY'S CEMETERY, TAMPICO http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/St_Marys_Cemetery_Tampico.html Remember, it does not need to be a civil war vet. In case of inclement weather, we will have the presentations in the Community Bldg. on Market Street. When you attend the Cemetery Walk, we hope you will stay for presentations in both cemeteries. This is a courtesy and act of respect for those that have taken the time & made the effort to offer a presentation. Last year our finale was a presentation by Mr. Frary on Ronald Reagan. He did a wonderful presentation and even had the group laughing. However, many did not follow us from the St. Mary's Cemetery over to the TMC. It would have been so much nicer if we would have had everyone there to hear his presentation. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter.
TAHS MEETINGS The Tampico Historical Society meets the fourth Tuesday of the month, except in December. We meet in the Historic Building located at 119 Main Street, 7 p.m. In March, we had members of the Whiteside County Genealogical Society & Lyndon Historical Society give an informative presentation on the plans for a new Whiteside County History Book, including Biographical Sketches. Watch for forms in local newspapers for your submissions to the book. More details will follow later. Don Mulnix is the coordinator for this project. Contact: dsm_1944@yahoo.com
NEXT TAHS REGULAR MEETING - Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 7 p.m. Program: Carol Crady - Old Settlers Reunion. Carol is a member of the Lyndon Historical Society. Please join us.
TAHS FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER - Open by appointment or by chance. Do you have roots in our area? Are you working on your family genealogy or need information on Tampico's history and pioneers. Our FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH center is a wonderful resource. We archive the Tampico Tornado Newspapers, published from 1876-1966 (some issues are missing), Funeral Logs, Cemetery Lists, Burial Permits, Family Histories submitted by other researchers, plat books, year books, centennial books, photo albums, History Books & Biographical Sketches, etc. Wi-Fi available, so bring your laptops! Members may use TAHS computer to access Ancestry.com. Schedule an appointment with Denise - tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com or call 815-590-2143.
FYI - Bricks & Pavers for the memorial walkway to the Reagan Statue are still available for purchase. Please pass the information on to those who may have an interest: (see below)
BRICK ORDER INFORMATION - https://docs.google.com/open?id=1ywZn3dAx3N5nLljVz-ogrdbOPUxk20OcWnUF9zuQTivfOBXo1Z_8b2XveX15
GRANITE PAVER ORDER INFORMATION - https://docs.google.com/open?id=1jtoc-2kUO2f18WY7ATTiywk7bLZanpEQcHAsNxxUTujUeouaDIJdeNN8qAbU
DEDICATED SITE FOR REAGAN STATUE - http://www.reaganstatue.org/
DONATIONS TO TAHS - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Membership_Donations.html
TAHS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Membership_Donations.html
GIFT SHOP - https://picasaweb.google.com/105896818813466091326/GiftShop?authuser=0&feat=directlink
UPDATES TO THE TAHS WEBSITE Please check our "WHAT'S NEW"? page to see the recent updates to the website. There are also direct links to each new entry on that page. What's New: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Whats_New.html UPDATES: NEW WEBSITE ENTRIES FOR MARCH, 2012 RESEARCH REQUESTS: This information is often done via email, so may not be on the website yet. If you have information to add, or have an interest in these surnames, please contact me: tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com Ford Crook (still working on this pioneer family. Some of it is on the site) Seymour Historic Preservation Davis Humphreys BIOGRAPHIES - WHITESIDE COUNTY, 1885 - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Whiteside_Co_1885_Biographies.html John Tyler James Bryant William Bryant Thomas Galt David McMillan
BIOGRAPHIES - WHITESIDE COUNTY - 1900 - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Whiteside_Co_Bios_1900_Index.html Oliver D. Olson
ARTICLES & LOCAL HISTORY - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Articles_Local_History.html 1972 - Tampico Native Builds $223 Million Refinery
MESSAGE BOARDS - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Message_Board.html Cemeteries - Prophetstown (McKenzie family discussion) Lizzie Seymour Levi Lane Seyller, Hirschberger, Humphreys Henry Ford Abbott Crook Families
OBITUARIES - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Obit_Index.html 2012- Norma Hatten, Yorktown Cemetery 1953 - Beryl Davis, Tampico Memorial Cemetery 1943 - Frank Davis, Tampico Memorial Cemetery 2012 - S Stanley Maxfield, Oakwood Cemetery, Geneseo 1929 - Charles Fisher, Erie Cemetery 1896 - Asa Crook, Oakwood Cemetery, Geneseo 2012 - Mary Creston, Henreyville Cemetery 1929 - Rod Lee Douglas, Sharon Cemetery 2008 - Rebecca Findley, Sharon Cemetery 1929 - Myrtle Urick, Sharon Cemetery 1896 - Lottie Arnett, possibly Sharon Cemetery 2011 - Donald Bons, Sharon Cemetery 2004 - Verlon G Croft, Sharon Cemetery 2009 - Pauline Stone, Sharon Cemetery 1999 - Buell Young, out-of-state (from Erie, IL) 2003 - Keith "Casey" Young, Sharon Cemetery 2012 - Edward Seyller, Hooppole Cemetery
FAMILY HISTORIES & GEN CHARTS - http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/FamilyHistories_GenCharts.html Descendants of Johan Jorgensen - updated & submitted by Wm. Bonner - https://docs.google.com/open?id=1w-x8QcY2qugPMWqQwNzWI2XuoHZL45Q46ZGSXTWg_rY3U9DouUQQc_Lg9_Ef
This newsletter is automatically sent to those who have subscribed to it. It is sent via an outside service - "Listserver". You cannot respond/reply to it. Please note that if you want to respond or contact me or anyone from the Historical Society or Reagan Birthplace, you need to send it to the appropriate email addresses. If you try to reply to "Listerserver," your message will be lost in cyberspace. Main Contacts are: Joan Johnson, President of TAHS & Mgr. of Reagan Birthplace - garyjoan@thewisp.net or reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net, 815-622-8705; or Denise McLoughlin, Family History Coordinator, tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com, 815--590-2143. If you have received this newsletter as a courtesy, please consider registering to receive it automatically: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Mailing_List.html It is very important to remember that you will then receive a "confirmation" email, confirming that you want to receive the newsletter (this is to prevent others from signing you up for it without your permission). When you "respond" to the confirmation email, it will activate the account. This is an automated, outside service, of which I have no control.
Denise McLoughln Family History Coordinator Tampico Area Historical Society www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com
Joan Johnson, President Tampico Area Historical Society 815-622-8705 garyjoan@thewisp.net reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net
TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.